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Pozvánka na přednášku Training, skills and competencies of the information professional: a new paradigm, a new training model

Napsal uživatel Mgr. Linda Skolková dne 29. Duben 2010 - 17:57.

V pondělí 3. května 2010 se v rámci cyklu Jinonické informační pondělky (JIP) uskuteční přednáška Elisy Cerveirové z Univerzity v Portu (Universidade do Porto) nazvaná Training, skills and competencies of the information professional: a new paradigm, a new training model.

Akce proběhne v prostorách Ústavu informačních studií a knihovnictí (ÚISK) Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze v Jinonicích (ul. U Kříže 8) od 14.00 v místnosti č. 2015.


Information, while a human and social phenomenon, represents the object of study and knowledge of an emerging area - Information Science – that is open to a fruitful interdisciplinarity with several other knowledge fields.

Although the scientific identity of this area is relatively new, the fact is that different sorts of professionals are well established in the field for a long time, performing various activities related to information and known by different names such as “archivists”, “librarians”, “documentalistes”, “information managers”, “Special librarians”.

Social, economic and cultural changes, caused by the development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), brought with it new needs and challenges that affect directly the activities of information professionals.

Facing this new reality, it is urgent to consolidate the theoretical foundations of this disciplinary field, increase research in this area and especially, to renew the new information professionals training. The multiplicity of skills requested today to the information professionals, who embrace the same subject and follow parallel methodologies although come from different fields, stimulate a consistent theoretical approach, for only thus they will be able to respond effectively to the demands of different organizational contexts where the information is produced, used and preserved.

Přednášky pořádají ÚISK a Česká informační společnost, o.s.

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