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Sympozium BOBCATSSS 2007 - výzva k přihlašování příspěvků

Napsal uživatel Mgr. Linda Skolková dne 9. Srpen 2006 - 8:49.

Do 15. září je na adresu možno přihlašovat příspěvky na mezinárodní studentské sympozium BOBCATSSS 2007, které se bude konat ve dnech 29. -31. ledna 2007 v Praze a bude tematicky zaměřeno na marketing informačních služeb. Jednacím jazykem sympozia je angličtina.

Výzva k přihlašování příspěvků:

BOBCATSSS 2007 (29-31 Jan 2007)

Marketing of Information Services

BOBCATSSS is a symposium of associated European universities in the field of Library and Information Science. The symposium takes place under the auspices of EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research), and follows the tradition of connecting academics, professionals, and students.

'In today's electronic age, where competition in the information marketplace has increased dynamically, the ability to effectively market value added services has become essential for every information provider. Librarians, as well as other information specialists, need to learn how to promote their professional ability to locate, acquire and validate information, so they may succeed in this highly competitive sector.'

BOBCATSSS 2007 mission is to assist libraries and other information providers in achieving their rightful position in the information marketplace. The symposium would like to supply an overview of new concepts and ideas as well as established marketing instruments. Subtopics covering the following areas will be presented as lectures, workshops, or poster sessions.

Human Factor (networking, direct marketing, inbound marketing)

Marketing Management (competitive intelligence, branding, lobbying, CRM, PR)

ICT Solutions (online marketing, online services marketing, business intelligence)

Abstract: maximum 400 words in English including a short curriculum vitae, and state theme area and presentation type (lecture, workshop, poster session)
Accepted Formats: PDF, MS Word
Abstract Deadline: 15th September 2006 E-mail:
Acceptance Notification: by October 13th 2006 Paper Deadline: 15th November 2006

Please, forward to your colleagues, students and other interested persons! Thank you.

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