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Napsal uživatel Ikaros .cz dne 18. Červen 2003 - 15:06.
Zahraničí: TOWARDS AND INFORMATION SOCIETY FOR ALL CONFERENCE (TISA 3) : Virtual Services for Real People Venue: British Council, 9 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris, France "Towards an Information Society for All 3 - Virtual Services for Real People" builds on the two successful British Council conferences held in 2001 in Bologna, and in 2002 in Berlin, where practitioners and policy makers from around Europe met to consider the present state of development of the emerging Information Society across Europe. These two conferences produced a significant consensus in the processes and priorities for the creation of a society where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the new information and communications technologies. TISA3, again co-organised by British Council in France, Germany and Italy will focus this year on national ICT policies and their practical implications for the lives of individuals and the creation of better communities. It will include speakers, projects and participants from the EU as well as Central and Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania, Serbia & Montenegro and Russia). As a follow up it is intended that the findings from the conference will feed into the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in December 2003 and a planned TISA 4 in Bucharest next year. All of these topics will be dealt with in TISA 3, not simply by didactic presentation, but through presentations mixed with forum sessions and discussion. Just as the future Information society must create a learning environment that is relevant to everyone throughout their lives, so the conference will encourage involvement and participation. It will be relevant to service managers and policy makers throughout Europe, young people involved in community projects using ICT and Professional bodies and international organisations. Objectives * To allow countries to explore mutually the challenges of practical implementation of information society policy and making impact in their communities. * To explore the relationship between macro Information Society strategies and community impact. * To identify common areas and issues across Europe and translate these into challenges to be taken forward for investigation at the World Summit on the Information Society. * To act as a platform for examples of good practice of the use of ICT in communities within the Information Society Outcomes * A clear statement of issues and concerns to be taken forward at the World Summit on Information Society (both by individual country delegates, and at a group level). * First steps towards a community of practice which will observe the World Summit and could feed into an evaluation toolkit on the impact of WSIS in government policy and community practice. Contact details and for further information: http.// http.// Frances Salinié Assistant Director, France KLC Project Manager, France 9 rue de Constantine 75340 Paris Cedex tel: +33 1 4955 73 21 fax: + 33 1 4955 73 02 email: web:
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