Nature Publishing Group is building upon a strong foundation
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Nature Publishing Group (NPG) has established itself as one of the leading publishers in the life sciences with the international journal Nature and a unique catalog of research and review journals available in print and online. This year, NPG is applying its strengths to provide high quality publications for a wider scientific audience in the physical sciences and in clinical medicine, and to explore new web technologies.

New publications for a wider scientific audience
In June 2006 NPG will launch Nature Protocols. It will be an interactive online resource for laboratory protocols with a unique mix of contributing sources. A database of topical, peer-reviewed protocols researched by an editorial team will be complemented by functionality allowing the scientific community to post their own protocols and comment on or rank those posted by others. Scope will cover the life sciences and chemistry. The website is now live in its beta format at [5].
Launching in October 2006, Nature Nanotechnology will look at the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by the manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales. Of interest to physicists, chemists as well as materials and life scientists, Nature Nanotechnology will take a balanced approach to the field by publishing top-level primary research along editorials, commentaries, research highlights and reviews. Content can be previewed at [6].
Nature Photonics will launch in January 2007, publishing editorials and commentaries, research highlights and reviews of the key advances in photonics. A key editorial aim of the journal is to foster the exchange of ideas between researchers in different communities. Photonics will address all fields of research dealing with light creation, detection and manipulation as well as the interaction and combination of electronic and optical components.
New partnerships
NPG aims to be the publisher of choice for scientific societies in our chosen specialist subject areas.
NPG has partnerships with 11 leading learned societies and publishes a strong portfolio of journals covering a range of disciplines, including basic research and clinical medicine. New collaborations include a 10-year agreement with the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) to produce a comprehensive publishing portfolio that will serve the international community. NPG will publish Kidney International, the ISN-endorsed Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology and an educational website. NPG has also partnered with the Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID) to publish The Journal of Investigative Dermatology and the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), which is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), to publish Cell Research.
New society journals will join the NPG portfolio in 2007. To stay informed, visit our information pages regularly at [7].
New technology for online users
All NPG publications are published at [4]. The platform boasts new technologies in the form of RSS newsfeeds for users, COUNTER-compliant usage statistics for institutional customers, and online manuscript submissions for authors. NPG is one of the publishers involved in CrossRef Search, making accessing the right information easy for users and administrators.
NPG has developed a free online reference management service for scientists called Connotea. It allows users to store their web links online, enabling them to be accessed from any web browser, and to organize them using individually chosen tags. The site also allows users to share their links with others and discover links to new publications or other resources relevant to their interests. It is available at [8].
Demand for advanced web delivery has led NPG to launch an online news service, digitized archives and new web technology. [9] ( [10]) publishing breaking news and extended features from acclaimed columnists and award-winning journalists, plus blogs and multimedia specials.
Digitizing the print archives has been an ongoing project for NPG. The Nature archive is available back to 1950 and will soon be available back to the first issue published in 1869. Access is available back to the first issue for all other Nature branded journals. Archives are available to purchase in addition to a site license.
New policies for NPG site licenses
Online access to all publications on is available to institutional customers via a site license. A site license provide users with the convenience of desk-top access, 24 hours a day to all licenses content and a broad network of related links. Licenses are available to all institution types and are flexible, enabling institutions to select the most suitable publications. Pricing is based on institution type and size.
Recent improvements to the license in 2006 include a post-cancellation policy. Customers should also be aware of forthcoming changes to the license in 2007. License can be viewed on our information pages at [11].
Nature Publishing Group’s post-cancellation policy provides customers with post-cancellation rights to content associated with their licensed publications, subject to payment of an annual access fee.
This policy applies as far as possible to all journals published by NPG. Post cancellation rights will not apply to those journals that offer open archives after 12 months, and some journals owned by scholarly societies may adopt different policies.
From January 2007, the amount of content included with a newly licensed publication will change. Site licenses starting in 2007 will provide access to all content published during the license period, plus a specified archive. This archive will generally include at least the four years of content preceding the license start date. Post-cancellation rights will apply only to content published during the license period. This change will apply to all new customers and to existing customers adding publications to an existing agreement from January 1, 2007.
Through 2006, customers can license content on the 2006 model and guarantee post-cancellation rights to the available archives.
NPG Portfolio – [4]
Nature archive: 1987-1996
Nature archive: 1950-1986 [9]
Nature Biotechnology
Nature Cell Biology
Nature Chemical Biology
Nature Genetics
Nature Immunology
Nature Materials
Nature Medicine
Nature Methods
Nature Nanotechnology
Nature Neuroscience
Nature Photonics
Nature Physics
Nature Protocols
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Nature research journals archive collection
Nature Reviews Cancer
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Nature Reviews Genetics
Nature Reviews Immunology
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine
Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism
Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
Nature Clinical Practice Neurology
Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
Nature Clinical Practice Rheumatology
Nature Clinical Practice Urology
BDJ (British Dental Journal)
BJC (British Journal of Cancer)
BJP (British Journal of Pharmacology)
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Cancer Gene Therapy
Cell Death & Differentiation
Cell Research
EBD (Evidence-Based Dentistry)
The EMBO Journal
EMBO reports
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
European Journal of Human Genetics
Gene Therapy
Genes and Immunity
International Journal of Impotence Research
International Journal of Obesity
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
Journal of Human Hypertension
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of Perinatology
Kidney International
Laboratory Investigation
Modern Pathology
Molecular Psychiatry
Molecular Systems Biology
Oncogene & Oncogene Reviews
The Pharmacogenomics Journal
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Spinal Cord
Contact Information – [11]
Nature Publishing Group
The Macmillan Building
4 Crinan Street
London, N1 9XW
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7843 4759
Fax: +44 (0)20 7843 4998
E-mail: [12]